Friday, 30 April 2010

poem 26


Was it you that I sought?
For so long,
At all places,
At lonesome nights
And crowded days,
Among faces known
And unknown,
As what I need,
And what would
Please me the most.

But then you are here now
And why do I still long for
My lonesome nights
And crowded days?
What do I still seek
And why anymore?
Why the same if not more
Restlessness as before?

I wanted you then
And now I don't.
Though you maintain
That you are the same
As you were.

If there be truth
In what you say,
How could you -
The unchanged one,
Cause effects opposite
To one another.

I think it was my mind
That perceived as I allowed
And wanted to,
And attached values hence.
Then what would you be?
The sum total of the opposites
Which is nothing
But mere naught.

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