Friday, 31 August 2007

Nenikekamen (We were victorious!)

the chains that hold us back
can they never be broken
the marks they leave on our legs
too deep and hard to soften ?
fated are we too like the moth to die
by the cocoons we weave around ourselves
too afraid to swim across the ocean
are we to decay marooned in a swamp island

how many times must we fail
just to gain strength for next,
how many trials must the heart face
to know for sure what is best.
they monkey sure tries to climb up
but slips more on the greased pole,
the waves are but mighty and are more,
enough to keep us fafrom shore.
what stops us to stop, clean all the scum and filth
that nauseates our being and poisons the soul

the treaded paths of habit
must we follow like lambs,
can't we run alone into the jungles
chase, hunt or die in pursuit of the catch
what is so general and acceptable,
in the general lack of sense and direction
cold and distant to all,
we move in extremes of hope and frustration
must the whip lie with the ring master
the lion: deluded as a meek lamb,
keep denying his own reflection

not by mere chance or favour,
no waiting anymore.
we demand our victory by now
our birthright, our nature it is,
either we do or we die by
what we are set to achieve!

Pheidippides must proclaim
"Nenikekamen" after the marathon.
even if he runs to a cul de sac or worse
to a crowd dumb ,
No stops, no option, no rest for him
Run or run, run and run.

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