Thursday, 2 August 2007

chahta kya hai??

Chahta kya hai?

Such an important question that we must ask ourselves from time to time. What is that we want from life? If we go down to people and ask them to write it on a paper what is they want, don’t be surprised to get back many empty papers and bullshit scribbled on quite a few others.

When we don’t even know what is that we want from life, what is that we want to do, it is unfair to crib that life has not been fair to us. If you know what it is that you want (two very important words – you and want) then I believe most of the problem is solved.

Let us drill down further; You – Only you. It must be yours, your own, not borrowed, not inspired, not forced, not handed over, not an afterthought but something that has only to do with you. Something that has only one stakeholder (excuse my jargon) – that is you. No one else. Something you would pick out of all other things if given a free choice by GOD (or an equal power).

Want – again very important. Not for a passing moment, not for dabbling, not for fashion, not even for ‘feel good’ for sometime but want. Like we want air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat. Something that it inexorable and not inter changeable with anything else. Can you breathe anything else (perfumed and branded Nitrogen or Argon), can you drink wine/honey instead of water and survive. Want, which you would not or can not compromise.

What is the problem then. Again these two words. People don’t know who is that I. They confuse it with peers, family, society, nation and many others. Everything but not their own selves, not they – stand alone. I don’t want to elaborate you understand (You).

It is very different; this word – want. We may need something and not get it, we may desire for something else and get something else, we may aspire for something and not get close enough but it is not possible that we want something and do not get it or we ask for something and not be given (even Jesus Christ guarantees this – ask and it shall be given). We would cease to exist otherwise. As I said before No compromise.

So, look yourself in the eye and ask – Chahta kya hai?

1 comment:

  1. Indeed very well writ..... i have 1 thing to ask...... U wrote God(or an equal power).... why so? why is that dont consider God as one....the one and only...... why is it so that we (even)consider someone who can equal God....?????
