I witness it every day
this beautiful template of yours
of morning.
This spread-out canvas of sky,
you use so well.
With colours from the sun
the mountains, the sea and the flowers.
Wide, bold stokes of clouds
created by the brush of lush trees
which sway from one end to the other
as you use them.
And your favourite part of the sky,
the horizon!
How it changes its colour to match
the mountains, the sea and the flowers.
Your template has music too,
noise and rhythm,
of the birds chirping, singing
and taking to each other.
They have so much to say,
as they hop from one tree to the other
or sit on the branches and look intently
as if trying to follow the tune of their
other band members.
What do they sing O Lord!
Must be discussing matters of the day
sorting out issues, raising concerns,
shouting out friends, professing love
With their chirping, singing
and taking to each other.
The bright stars of the night
have come down to the earth
as fresh dewdrops
and lie scattered like lovely pearls
on the blades of grass
and on petals of flowers.
Finding them within its reach,
the soothing morning breeze
caresses the dew drops,
and plays with them
as they run down shyly
on the surface of the
blades of grass and
the petals of flowers.
I witness it all
in the silence of my mind and soul
and wonder.
How do you create every day so different,
so beautiful,
with the same elements,
the same template of the morning.
I guess you are trying to tell us
ever so subtly and silently
to make our days and lives
different and yet beautiful
with the same elements,
the same template of the morning.